Saturday, October 25, 2025

Fall Race Series!  #3 of 4 races

Come join us at any or all of our four WTAC Fall Trail Races!

Presented by Westerly Track & Athletic Club, with a special thank-you to the Westerly and Hopkinton Land Trust for allowing us to host on their properties.

Grills Preserve, 198 Bowling Lane, Bradford, RI

Start times:
9:00am:  Check-in and bib pick-up opens
10:00am:  10M and 10K races start

Race cut-off time:  Out of respect for volunteers' time, our cutoff for the 10-mile course is 2 hours 30 minutes (15 minute/mile pace).  Beyone this time, we do not have a guarantee of support, recording a finishing time, food, etc.  If you have not reached the half-way water stop by 11:30am, we ask that you turn around and follow the dirt road road back one mile to the start.
Walkers are welcome at all of our events; HOWEVER, in consideration of our volunteers' time, we respectfully ask walkers to choose the shorter 10K course.

Race format:  Mass simultaneous start for both 10-Mile and 10K start.  Course split at 1-mile.  Not providing race shirts will keep our costs (and yours) lower.  We will use our own timing instead of professional chip timing.  This will keep the race logistics easier and less expensive, and accordingly, your entry fees will also be LOW!

Location:  Both courses start and finish at Grills Preserve, Westerly.  

Course DescriptionBoth courses showcase Grills Preserve in Westerly, and the 10-Mile course also features beautiful trails, bridges, and riverfront in the Grills Wildlife Sanctuary in Hopkinton.  The course is a mix of about 80% single-track and 20% double-track.

Requirement:  Each participant and volunteer must wear at least 200 square inches of orange.  Anyone not wearing orange will not be allowed to race per State of RI DEM mandate.

Entry fees:
Early  registration (up to Oct 5):  $23 adults, $18 age 18 and under 
- Regular registration (Oct 6 - 24):  $30 adults, $25 age 18 and under
- Race day registration (Oct 25):  $35 adults, $30 age 18 and under

$5 discount to all WTAC members; $2 to all Mohegan Striders

Awards to overall M/F finishers, plus top 1 in each M/F age group:
19 and under, 20-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80+
Note awards will be low cost and more of a fun nature.

Food (including pizza truck) and refreshments are served post-race for participants.  Strollers and dogs prohibited on the course.  

For more info, contact or (401) 447-1879 .